CBC 2012
9–11 May 2012
Lyngby, Denmark
Code-based Cryptography Workshop
Code-based Cryptography Workshop 2012


Welcome to the website of the Code-based Cryptography Workshop (CBC) 2012.

This two-and-a-half-day workshop aims at introducing the field of coding theory and at bringing everyone together who is interested in discussions on how to move forward in applying coding theory to cryptography and communication systems. We plan 6-8 invited talks spread over three mornings. Wednesday and Thursday afternoon are reserved for the research retreat. The results of the working groups will be wrapped up on Friday morning.

One objective is to make code-based cryptography ready to be competitive or even an alternative of RSA and elliptic-curve based cryptography. Current efforts concern developing an efficient code-based signature scheme, comparing different designs with respect to encryption/decryption speed vs. key sizes, security reductions similar to proofs in lattice-based cryptography, faster implementations on small devices etc.

Another objective of this workshop is to explore the usage of algebraic-geometric codes in network coding and cryptography. Here we focus on fundamental research such as decoding algorithms and recent developments in list-decoding techniques.

The workshop is organized by the Danish-Chinese Center for Applications of Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography (AGINCC) in co-operation with the European Network of Excellence in Cryptology II (ECRYPT-II).

Note: Due to space limitations and in order to be able to ensure a good working atmosphere the number of participants is limited to 50 people.

The workshop is the third in a series of workshops dedicated to the study of codes in cryptography. The past workshops were held at

Important Dates

  • Registration deadline: May 2, 2012 (closed)
  • Stipend application deadline: April 10, 2012 (has already passed)
  • Workshop: May 9-11, 2012

Picture: Wiki Media http://www.imagefree.org/